Conclusion of the Electromechanics Survey. Common issues identified for the people on this awesome field – future posts will address the key problems.

Electric Motor Design, plus stuff
Conclusion of the Electromechanics Survey. Common issues identified for the people on this awesome field – future posts will address the key problems.
Getting swarmed by a million tasks to do? Feel like you’re getting nothing done? Check out some tips on how to avoid being overburdened, and get stuff done.
Everybody likes big biceps. That’s a fundamental law of the universe. To actually get big biceps, read these training tips (and more!) here.
Everybody loves Christmas, and everybody loves coffee. So why not combine the two in this delicious Christmas coffee recipe.
SMEKlib – a Matlab library for analysing electrical machines – to be published OpenSource in the near future. Plus some other news.
Frequency response analysis is used to analyze how a system reacts to a specific excitation. Or, as I like to put it, when things explode.
The TDM method by Ansys is reported to speed-up time-stepping computations by up to 6000 %. Read my idea on how it might work.