Animated eddy current densities in the stranded winding of an electrical machines. Rarely seen in public – read the post for more details!
Faster Analysis of Eddy-Current Problems: Impulse Response Method
Eddy current problems are usually linear and time-invariant. Thus, they can be fully modelled with their impulse response function.
Infographic on Finite Element Analysis
Infographics are awesome. Everybody loves them. Here’s an infographic on finite element analysis, which’s gotta be even cooler.
The Upgraded Lettu (a Finnish crêpe)
Lettus (like Finnish crepes) taste better than anything. Unfortunately, they are somewhat fattening for normal adults. Here’s a diet-friendly upgrade.
International Day for Failure
Today is the International Day for Failure. Here’s why you should take a moment or two to contemplate everything you ever did wrong.
FEAforAll – What It Is and Why You Should Care
I found another blog about finite element analysis called It’s a nice resource on structural mechanics – check it out.