How to recruit electrical engineers, or any other professionals in short supply. And how almost everybody is failing at that.

Electric Motor Design, plus stuff
How to recruit electrical engineers, or any other professionals in short supply. And how almost everybody is failing at that.
SMEKlib – a Matlab library for analysing electrical machines – to be published OpenSource in the near future. Plus some other news.
The TDM method by Ansys is reported to speed-up time-stepping computations by up to 6000 %. Read my idea on how it might work.
A common piece of advice is to write what people want to read. In my opinion, it’s somewhat more complex than that. Here’s how to write instead.
Infographics are awesome. Everybody loves them. Here’s an infographic on finite element analysis, which’s gotta be even cooler.
Radio-controlled helicopters are cool. Even more cool are the electric motors in them, with their insane power densities. I interviewed a proud hobbyist.
The social media campaign of our research group continues. This time, we shackled Pokémon Go to our purposes. Here’s what we did.
I have already written about the ongoing campaign of my research group – Electromechanics at Aalto University – to gain more visibility and hopefully students too. For instance, see two of our videos with discussion here and here, or check…
A couple of days ago, Wired ran a piece titled “Civil War’s Winter Soldier Couldn’t Survive This Giant Jump”. As the title suggests, the column mainly revolved around the author taking issue with the with the jump seen at the…
As you may know, we (as in I and my research group) recently became more active in social media, in order to improve our visibility and thus attract more students into our ranks. As a part of our image crusade,…