How to get a job, or some informal tips for job-seeking. Not a comprehensive list by far, just some general observations and opinions to help you out.

Electric Motor Design, plus stuff
How to get a job, or some informal tips for job-seeking. Not a comprehensive list by far, just some general observations and opinions to help you out.
You are not the smartest person in the room. No-one is. Hi folks! Just a short post this time: I had a rare moment of inspiration (usually writing’s just manual labor instead), and I want to make the most of…
Learning kinda follows the Pareto principle, and kinda doesn’t. Additionally, by sheer non-luck, you often do need the stuff you happen to learn.
You learn the best by teaching. Here’s what I learned by lecturing a Master’s course called Numerical Methods in Electromechanics.
Engineers and other geeks generally lack in people skills. We are too often shy and awkward. Read this for some easy tips and guidelines to help ya.
Everybody faces issues with the management at some point. These problems can be managed with proper communication, and by offering solutions.
Conclusion of the Electromechanics Survey. Common issues identified for the people on this awesome field – future posts will address the key problems.
Getting swarmed by a million tasks to do? Feel like you’re getting nothing done? Check out some tips on how to avoid being overburdened, and get stuff done.
Everybody likes big biceps. That’s a fundamental law of the universe. To actually get big biceps, read these training tips (and more!) here.
Everybody loves Christmas, and everybody loves coffee. So why not combine the two in this delicious Christmas coffee recipe.