Just a random thought quickly. If you have ever spent time on the internet, you may have come across the following quote, in one form or another.
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” -Henry Ford.
Whether or not actually said by the de-facto father of assembly-line manufacture – whom it is most often attributed to – the message still remains. We don’t know what we want. Not really. Not most of the time.
People occasionally want stupid stuff. Even most of the time. Heck, I want pizza and ice-cream, but I mostly eat something at least marginally more healthy. What you want and what you should are quite often separate things. It’s called being an adult, or acting like one.
Perhaps even more often, they really don’t know what they want at all. You’ve probably seen one of those pics about this-and-that feature for mobile phones or tablets being originally introduced by Microsoft or Samsung, but not really catching on until Apple did the same.

And that pretty much illustrates my point nicely. Have an awesome product, but people don’t seem to want it?
Well boo-hoo, who cares what they want. Sell it to them. Show them how it works. Write a blog.
If it’s really as awesome as you think, it will eventually succeed.
It might also be total crap though, with everybody except you seeing it. Dragon’s Den is full of them.
Now that I think of it, the same phenomenon actually repeats itself all over. Ever seen lists of pick-up tips written by women for men? I have, and they all suck.
And before you get your panties in a twist: a similar list written by men for women would suck just as bad, if not worse. It would probably feature something along “show yer boobs”. Classy, but mostly wouldn’t work on the part of the male population that is not fully intoxicated.
I mean, I wouldn’t know how to pick up men. I’ve never done it. And I have no idea what I want in that respect.
Listen to somebody who’s done it. Or yourself. Preferably both.
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