Great news: I finally decided to join SlideShare! Just click the new logo of the yellow and blue humanoids hugging it out on the bottom of the page! Or, alternatively, just click here. Either is fine.

Alright alright, I lied to you. I actually decided to join it already some weeks ago, but didn’t really have anything interesting to upload until now. I’m marginally sorry for that.
Anyway, if you did follow the link, you noticed that I have two posters there now.
One is for the EPNC conference that my research group is organizing. It’s about reluctance networks – something that I have already written about here.
The second one is a bit more special, in the sense that it’s not a typical research poster strictly focused on one topic or paper. Instead, it’s intended for the student forum of the ICEM conference. As the name suggests, the forum is organized for current (or recent) doctoral students as an opportunity to showcase their research. And the posters of course reflect that, being closer to A0-sized CVs than traditional research posters. It’s obviously not required for me to take part, but it sounds like an interesting event, and a great opportunity for some networking. Which is something I admittedly need to work on.
That forum poster is still somewhat in the draft stage, and I have until July 20 to finalize it. So, if you happen to spot a typo, or your artistic eyes see something that is oblivious to mine, please flame away in the comments and let me now!
Anyway, that’s how my SlideShare looks like at the moment. Kinda boring, but every great story has a beginning.
Indeed, I plan to keep on adding suitable contents as I produce it. My actual research papers will go onto my ResearchGate account like they always have, but SlideShare is probably the right destination for lighter material. That means posters, conference presentations, and the like.
Furthermore, I may be lecturing a course next winter, so any material I produce for that will be made publicly available.
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