A couple of posts ago, I mentioned how making a few simple improvements to your presentation technique could set you a few paces ahead your colleagues. Simply put: combing your hair, using your both your verbal and non-verbal languare in…

Electric Motor Design, plus stuff
A couple of posts ago, I mentioned how making a few simple improvements to your presentation technique could set you a few paces ahead your colleagues. Simply put: combing your hair, using your both your verbal and non-verbal languare in…
Years ago, I helped my flatmate and good friend by proof-reading his bachelor’s thesis about Design for Assembly, or DFA. DFA is exactly what it sounds like: a philosophy of designing a product in such a fashion that is as…
Why and how to give an awesome presentation I’m feeling productive today, so here’s another post – this time a shorter one! Many academics are not very good presenters. Or can you say you’ve never attended a boring lecture or…
In my earlier post, I gave some productivity tips that I’ve personally found very useful. Now’s the time for some more. 4. Todo lists Lists are nice in more ways than one. They help you not to forget stuff. Duh.…
This February, we (as in my research group and I) finally took our heads out of our collective backsides identified a problem. Specifically, we had a personnel survey in our department, and everybody was asked to list some weaknessses that…
It’s funny how you never know what kind of knowledge you are going to need in your work and life in general. For instance, the Spring I was making my Master’s Thesis (-13), I casually took a course on data…
Two days ago, the local newspaper Karjalainen of my birth region ran an April-fools’ piece about wireless electricity transfer. According to the “article”, the entire country would soon be switching to the new technology, permanently ridding us of blackouts and transmission…